A beer belly is a token of love that not a single beer lover desires. A beer belly is not only discomforting but exceptionally difficult to get rid off too. So is a beer belly an end to your love affair with the best beer in India? No, not at all!. Remember, beer is not always the root cause of a fat belly. Lifestyle and food habits too contribute generously towards that unusually enlarged waist of yours.
This article highlights some of the best tips and techniques to not only keep belly fat under check but also to get rid of it altogether. So hold on to your ‘beer bellies’ (if you have any) just a little tighter than usual because its days are numbered now.
1. Never Drink on An Empty Stomach
As Tyler Durden, a.k.a Brad Pitt from Fight Club, would have put it, “The first rule of Drinking is to never drink on an empty stomach”.
Why drinking on an empty stomach is bad?
The alcohol in beer slows down the speed at which fat is burned by the body. Further, drinking is also known to decrease ‘leptin’ content in our system. Leptin is our body's fat-control hormone. It helps manage weight and another metabolism in our body. An empty stomach prevents the body from releasing leptin, thus accelerating belly fat accumulation in the body.
2. Make Water Your New Best Friend
Have you ever felt thirsty after a few drinks?. While you may be forgiven for ignoring it but it’s your body's way of telling you it's thirsty. Doctors suggest that one should follow up a drink with a glass of water. Not only it keeps the body well-hydrated but it also keeps your stomach full and prevents you from overeating during and after drinking.
3. Avoid Drinking Before Sleep
Avoid drinking beer too close to bedtime. This way you will give more time to the body to process it and also get healthy sleep. As per experts, drinking beer just before bedtime increases the time we spent in a deep sleep. Lack of proper sleep influences leptin which in turn impacts appetite and weight.
4. Drink Beer in Moderation
Moderation is the key to a life free of belly-fat. Moreover, drinking beer in moderation has many associated benefits too. For instance, a pint of beer a day is considered good for the heart.
5. Exercise Regularly
Last but not least, considering the carefree lifestyle and food habits of most people, beer is not always the reason for belly fat. In fact, most beer bellies are sugar bellies. So keep an eye on your sugary food intake and follow an exercise routine that helps you burn the excess fat or sugar you introduce to your body from eating processed food, drinking sugary beverages, etc.
This brings us to the end of this article. We hope that you now have a good arsenal of tips and techniques to follow and avoid beer belly. In case, you desire a less fatty alternative than the regular beer, feel free to try any of the top 10 wheat beer in India. Wheat beer was first brewed in present-day Germany. With a moderate calorie count, wheat beers are some of the most popular and least fattening beers.